Thursday, May 24, 2012

Celestial Tapestry is Born of Uncertain Parentage

Celestial tapestry is born of uncertain parentage
May 17, 2012 -
A new Legacy Image from the Gemini Observatory reveals the remarkable complexity of the planetary nebula Sharpless 2-71 (Sh 2-71). Embroiled in a bit of controversy over its “birth parents” the nebula likely resulted from interactions between a pair of two old and dying stars. Legacy images like this one share the stunning beauty of the universe as revealed by the twin 8-meter Gemini telescopes in Hawai‘i and Chile.

Space Picture This Week

Birth Right?
May 18, 2012 - National Geographic
The dusty golden glow of the planetary nebula known as Sharpless 2-71 is seen in a newly released picture from the Gemini North observatory in Hawaii.

Gemini Announces New Discovery

Gemini Announces New Discovery

May 17, 2012 - West Hawaii Today
Gemini astronomers used the Mauna Kea telescope to get a new picture of a previously studied planetary nebula, and the image is generating renewed study of the complex celestial phenomenon.