- Dec. 14, 2007
The Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) today expressed its deep disappointment at the level of cuts to UK astronomy research announced by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). These savings amount to at least BP80m over three years, with a further BP40m likely to be cut to create headroom for UK involvement in new projects.
Cuts announced include UK participation in the Gemini South observatory in Chile, all UK research in ground-based solar-terrestrial physics and high-energy gamma-ray astronomy, UK involvement in the astronomical observatory on La Palma, and large cuts (~50%) at the Astronomy Technology Centre in Edinburgh.
The RAS welcomes the concession by STFC that they will seek to negotiate continuing access to the Gemini North observatory on Hawaii, as requested by the Society two weeks ago. Without Gemini North, UK astronomers will have no access to giant telescopes in the northern hemisphere and will find it increasingly difficult to compete with their peers overseas.